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You Should Get A Flu Shot Before The Holiday Season

flu shotIt’s almost that time of the year when you can smell the delicious turkey and hear the Christmas jingles in the air. It’s also that time of the year when you’d better watch out for flu season. It’s not fun getting the flu: you will be lying in bed for days, possibly for weeks, coughing with fever, sore throat, and body aches. However, for people with certain medical conditions and in the high-risk group, the flu can cause serious complications and sometimes, deaths. That’s why we take the flu very seriously at FirstCall Medical Center.

Due to its seriousness, everybody is expected to take precaution against the flu. For people in the high-risk group, they themselves and their families need to understand the steps to prevent and treat someone with the flu virus. It’s very likely that you know or are in frequent contact with someone in this group, and you should do your parts to minimize the risk of spreading the sickness. It’s simple: Take a flu shot.

The flu season usually peaks during the winter. Getting a flu shot now can certainly minimize the risk of you getting sick. You need a new vaccine every year, and getting one now will do yourself and your family a huge favor before the holidays when people are getting together and sharing food.

If you happen to catch the flu, please stay home and don’t go to work or school. You will do everyone a big favor. It’s your responsibility to keep the germs and virus contained and stop it from spreading further to other.

The best way to avoid getting sick from the flu this season is getting a flu shot. Visit FirstCall Medical Center today for your annual flu vaccine!

Visit our urgent care center, or call us at 410-730-3399 for more information.