Summer time means vacation time, and the last thing you’d want to worry about it getting bitten by mosquitoes while trying to enjoy a day in the sun.
Mosquito bites can be more than just itchy and annoying, it’s important to know your risks and how to protect yourself. Besides staying indoors during peak times (night, dusk, and dawn), here are a few other health tips to follow to prevent mosquito bites.
Use insect repellent: Make sure that your insect repellent is Environmental Protection Agency registered and has active ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535.
Cover up: If you’re going to an area that’s infested with mosquitoes, or plan on being outdoors during active times, make sure you’re wearing protective clothing with long sleeves and pants.
Protect yourself while traveling: If you plan on traveling abroad, be sure to read up on country-specific travel advice and health risks. You should also pack a travel health kit that includes insect repellent, medicine to prevent malaria if needed, and other over-the-counter medicine such as antihistamine, medicine for fever, and hydro-cortisone cream.
Resist the urge to scratch: Scratching a mosquito bite only adds to the inflammation, so fight the urge, and use remedies such as ice, witch hazel, Epsom salts, or chamomile lotion to relieve the itchy sensation.
If you come into contact with a mosquito bite, be sure to visit FirstCall Medical Center for relief, or contact us at 410-730-3399.