Although getting sick with the flu may not feel like a big deal right now, your opinion might change once you actually come down with the illness. Not only are the symptoms very uncomfortable, but they can take you out of your normal routine for days or even a full week. This can affect your productivity at work or school, and you can also lose money on treatment. Here’s what you should expect if you come down with the flu.
The flu lasts one to two weeks
While many people hope to head back to work or school after a day or two, the truth is that the flu lasts for one to two weeks for most people. In severe cases, it can last even longer than that. Not only are you missing out on important work and school, but during that entire time, you’ll need to spend extra money on products from the drugstore to stay healthy, and you may need to pay for medical treatment as well.
You may need to use sick days to miss work
When you come down with the flu, call out of work since the virus so contagious. However, this means you’ll need to tap into your sick or personal days to make sure you still get paid. If your company doesn’t offer sick days, you will actually lose money by missing work, which can be devastating.
Kids may need make-up days from school
If your child gets sick with the flu, chances are they will miss a lot of important learning at school. They may come back and find they are far behind their peers and need to do make-up assignments to catch up. In some cases, if you miss enough school, you’ll need to take extra make-up days on weekends or holidays.
Getting a flu shot prevents the flu
To avoid missing out on work or school, make sure you get a flu shot during flu season. Flu shots are easy to get through your local urgent care center, clinic, or pharmacy, and are available at affordable pricing. They are particularly important for kids going to school or adults who work in large offices, where illnesses spread quickly.
Now is the perfect time to get a flu shot, before fall hits and flu season picks up. Visit your local clinic today, and you can make sure that you don’t lose valuable time and money to the flu this year.